Original Artwork
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New! Confluence Brown
Original size–15×22 / Print as 15×22 and 20×30
Turning Brown
New! Creek Dream
Original size–15×22 / Print as 15×22 and 20×30
Streamer Brown
Original size–8×20 /Print as 8×20, 12×30
Also works great as a tailgate wrap!!!
Big Wood Prize
Handsome Pair
Original size–8×20 / Print as 8×20, 12×30 Also works great as a tailgate wrap!
Monster Brown
Before Release
Monster Rainbow
New! Sunset Browns
Original size–9×12 /Print as 12×16, and 18×24
Silver Creek Rise
Fish Flanks
Brook Trout Study
Original size–7×12 / Print 7×12 and 10×18
Young Brookie
Silver Creek; Drake Time Memories
Jefferson River Brown
Original size–7×12 / Print 7X12 and 10×18
Silver Creek Fall
Original size–11×15 / Print 11×15 and 16×22
New! Confluence
Abe’s Day
New! Deep Creek
Original size–9×12/Print as 9×12, 14×16 and 18×24
Overlook; 1 of 3
Original size –12×16 / Print as 12×16, 15×20 and 18×24
Silver Creek Preserve Triptych
Overlook; 2 of 3
Original size–12×16 / Print as 12×16, 15×20 and 18×24
Overlook; 3 of 3
Original size – 12×16 / Print as 12×16, 15×20 and 18×24
Drake Time at Point of Rocks
New! Brookie Heaven
Big Wood River; Afternoon Light
“Trout Flies”
Cutthroat Caddis
New! Brown Drake Spinner
Original size–11×15 /Print as 11×15 and 16×20
Brown Stone
The Rainbow Drake
Cutthroat Spinner
BrownStone 2
Print as 9×12 and 15×20